Where 5th grade students at FCS post their summaries and reviews of their independent reading books.
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Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
An Anonymous Review
I read Mr. Terrupt Falls Again the sequel to Because Of Mr. Terrupt . This book is about an amazing teacher named Mr. Terrupt teaching the same class as he did as he did in the first book. There are many kids in Mr. Terrupts class and they all some good and bad situations going on in there lives. The book switches all the perspectives from all the children so you can get a first person experience from all the kids. I recommend reading Because Of Mr. Terrupt before reading this book because they make a lot of references to the first book.
Double dog dare review by Jacob L
This book is about two kids, Kansas and Francine who go into a dare war at school to be the media club newsperson. Kansas lives with his mom and little sister Ginny because his dad left them years ago but came back when Ginny got sick. Francine switches off living with her mom and dad because they are getting divorced. Who will win the dare war????? Read Double dog dare to find out.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Al Capone Does My Shirts by Torin M
This book is about a boy named Moose Flanagan. He has a sister named Natalie and she has mental difficulties. Natalie is three years older than Moose, and she has to go to a special school. Something very important is that they live on Alcatraz Island, and their dad is an electrition on the island. On Alcatraz, it's a little weird, having convicts (Al Capone and other terrible people) make dinner was your shirts isn't that strange. Moose's dad is at work all day and his mom stays home to take care of Natalie.
Moose has some friends on the island that go to school with him in San Fran. Moose and his friends were thinking of a great idea. What they wanted to do was going to be great, they are going to use the dirtyt-shirts that kids at school have, and make the cons to wash the shirts for five cents.
If you want to know if Moose and his friends can pull this off, then read Al Capone Does My Shirts.
I would recommend this book to people who love reading
Moose has some friends on the island that go to school with him in San Fran. Moose and his friends were thinking of a great idea. What they wanted to do was going to be great, they are going to use the dirty
If you want to know if Moose and his friends can pull this off, then read Al Capone Does My Shirts.
I would recommend this book to people who love reading
The Eleventh Plague reviewed by Judea W
The book I read for my April book report was called The Eleventh Plague. I actually thought it was a really good book. I would rate it a four and a half stars, out of five stars. I think you would like this book if you like action adventure and science fiction. I highly recommend this book to you. I actually thought it was a really good book. I would rate it a four and a half stars, out of five stars. I think you would like this book if you like action adventure and science fiction. I highly recommend this book to you.
Stephen is a 15 year-old kid in the eleventh plague. It is basically like the apocalypse in Canada, and the U.S.A. Steves (Stephen) mom and grandpa dies in the beginning, andits just Steve and his dad. They have to survive together as salvagers (traders( trade food and survival stuff.)
Stephen is a 15 year-old kid in the eleventh plague. It is basically like the apocalypse in Canada, and the U.S.A. Steves (Stephen) mom and grandpa dies in the beginning, and
Sisters Grimm book one: The Fairy-tale detectives reviewed by Emma Staton
Ever since Sabrina's parents disappeared, she felt that it was her duty to take care of her sister Daphne. She has protected her from each crazy foster family their nasty caseworker Ms. Smirt has sent them to and much more, until they are sent to live with an old woman who claims to be their grandmother- a lady whom they were told was dead. The woman tells them that where she currently lives is where many fairy-tale characters live too. Daphne of course is in heaven when she hears that comment, but Sabrina is convinced the lady is crazy, the same lady is kidnapped by a giant. Yes I said giant.
Can Sabrina save her grandmother and protect her sister too?
Find out in the Sisters Grimm: the Fairy-Tale Detectives.
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Alejandro reviews Storm Breaker
Storm breaker is about a boy named Alex who is a common school boy. One day his uncle died so the government put Alex in his spot. And he is found out so SE tried to kill him
But failed. So Alex spoiledSE plan and saved the day.
I think this book is really good. I would give it 😄😄😄😄😄 out of 😄😄😄😄😄. I would recommend this book for people who like fast books and adventure books.

But failed. So Alex spoiled
I think this book is really good. I would give it 😄😄😄😄😄 out of 😄😄😄😄😄. I would recommend this book for people who like fast books and adventure books.
Eric Tiger Threat
The book I read was tiger threat it is about a college hockey player named Ray. He is the son of a famous hockey player. Ray is a smart and not aggressive player. One day his coach gets a position in the NHL. His new coach wants Ray to be more aggressive, but Ray doesn't like getting into fights. Soon he gets a new player on his team the new player is named Vlad. It is rays job to take care of Vlad. At their next game, Vlad hurts his tooth. When Vlad goes to the dentist, the dentist gives Ray the tooth. When Ray is alone, he is looking at the tooth and it comes apart inside is a capsule. Ray brings the capsule to a jeweler to take it apart inside is Russian writing Ray sees what it says online but doesn't understand it. What does it say, does Vlad know about this? Read the book to find out.
I think tiger threat was a good book. It has a good amount of action, adventure and mystery. It has a good amount of pages. It is a good book for action lovers, sports lovers and mystery lovers.
I think tiger threat was a good book. It has a good amount of action, adventure and mystery
Riley Rump-Book Report
Book by-Liesl Shurtliff
Report by-Riley Roche
My name is Rump, or at least I think. See, when I was born my mom had some sickness and she whispered my name in my ear but when she was going to announce my name she said Rump... *Cough* Cough* and she started coughing even more and then she wasn't breathing, and from then on I was known as Rump . In my kingdom, your name is your destiny and if my name was a cow's rear end, I guess I'll be treated like one. I was determined to find my real name. I found this spinning wheel one day and I wanted try it out , so I got some wool and brought it to my room and then a bunch of fairies took it away. I thought "That was odd" so I just grabbed something spinnable which was straw from inside my mattress. I tried spinning and then the straw turned to gold! I was shocked. It felt strange knowing I could use magic. It was very odd. I knew this had something to do with my name.
I met this girl named Red, the reason she is called Red is because one day a boy made fun of her name and she punched him so hard in the face that her name was leaking out of his nose. I guess your name really is your destiny. Red's grandmother was nice but a little creepy. When I told her about my adventure, she said stuff like "Just watch your step," and I never really got what she meant. Red didn't want to come with me because she really thought I was stupid doing this so I brought my donkey, Nothing. Oh that's his name, Nothing. I called him Nothing for two reasons, One- people don't think that things like villages or donkeys deserve something as important as a name. Two- I named him Nothing because thats all he does.
As I started my adventure (very slowly because that's how fast Nothing moves) over the Mountain, I felt good and nervous. In this forest, I had some great adventures. I met some trolls and I found a poison apple tree. I went to another village and I went to the Castle of King Barf (his real name is Bartholomew Archbald Reginald Fife). I don't know if I will find my name but this adventure has been great.
Will Rump find his full name, read Rump to find out!
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Aaron: Book review of White Fang
The book I read is called White Fang. White Fang is written by Jack London. This book is set over 100 years ago and is in the Yukon. White Fang is about a wolf named White Fang, who has a bit of dog in him. White Fang grows up quickly and is extremely strong and good in fights. Soon White Fang gets found with his mom who used to be an Indians dog. They get taken in and White Fang eventually gets sold to a mad man who likes dog fights. White Fang encounters many problems and is turned into a savage wolf-dog. White fang eventually gets rescued and finds the perfect owner.
I loved this book and I would rate it five stars or 10/10. I think it's a great book. I also think that many people would like this, but there are gruesome parts and dogs die in it. Some parts are sad, but at the end it is happy. This book is a classic by Jack London who also wrote Call of the Wild (another classic) and other good books. White Fang is known as Jack London's best book and I agree that it is.
I loved this book and I would rate it five stars or 10/10. I think it's a great book. I also think that many people would like this, but there are gruesome parts and dogs die in it. Some parts are sad, but at the end it is happy. This book is a classic by Jack London who also wrote Call of the Wild (another classic) and other good books. White Fang is known as Jack London's best book and I agree that it is.
This book is about six kids who got sent off to a trip to the Pacific on a cruise. They six kids didn't want to go, but their parents wanted the m to get away from the TV. There were a could of rain storms during the trip, bug there was a big one near the boat. This storm was windy, rainy, and big. This storm was the biggest one all year. Everybody was panicking and scared, even the captain was scared. The boat had a leak!!!! It was wavy and wet!!!
If you want to what happens to the big boat and the six kids then read read ISLAND BY GORMAN KORMAN.
I would suggest this book to a kid who like boats and the ocean. This book has a series so you could read all of these books. I would rate thisbook a tree and a half out of five 🌟.
If you want to what happens to the big boat and the six kids then read read ISLAND BY GORMAN KORMAN.
I would suggest this book to a kid who like boats and the ocean. This book has a series so you could read all of these books. I would rate this
Leo F. If Your Reading This, It's Too Late
If Your Reading This, It's Too Late Book Review
Genre: Mystery, adventure, comedy
Rating: 5 Stars
If Your Reading This, It's Too Late is about a girl named Cass and a boy named Max-Ernest. And they joined a circus society called the Terces Society. A society to stop the evil alchemist society The Midnight Sun. When two people in the Midnight Sun, Dr. L and Ms. Mauvais steal a valuable orb called the Sound Prism, Cass and Max-Ernest must get to the bottom of it!
With more mystery, more friends, and more foes! Read Pseudonymous Bosch's If Your Reading This, It's Too Late. The second book in The Secret Series, with more adventure to come!
I really enjoyed this book. If you like magic, mystery, adventure, and lame jokes, you'll love this book. It has an interesting plot and fun and mean characters. I loved this book!
Holden K reviews the Egypt game
The Egypt Game starts off with these two girls April and Melanie, who don't know each other. April is living at here grandmas house in California in
I loved this book I thought that the book was great. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate it a 9. I think that it's a good book for boys and girls. And I hope you enjoy this book like I did.
Lili B's I Am Malala book review
I Am Malala is a book about Malala's life in Pakistan and how a rebel group takes over and tries to stop almost all of women and girls freedom. Malala is standing up for freedom and trying to stop them. They rebels will stop at nothing to stop the freedom such as murdering, beating, and banning people from stores. Find out if they get they get their education back or if they fail.
I really liked the book. It's not that hard to read, it's a very interesting story, and the writing style is really well written. I think most girls would like this, butboys could still like it too. It is a little gruesome but I think it is okay. I think this book is good for grades 4-6. If you plan on reading this I hope you enjoy.
I really liked the book. It's not that hard to read, it's a very interesting story, and the writing style is really well written. I think most girls would like this, but
TTYL Reviewed by Leila I
Over the past month, I read TTYL by Lauren. It's a story, completely written in 'texts' by three sophomores, Maddie, Angela, and Zoe. Angela, always crazy about boys, keeps getting her heart broken by her multiple 'boyfriends'. On the other hand, shy Zoe is getting hit on by her very religious teacher, but seems too clueless to realize. Maddie, and her outgoing self, keeps getting humiliated, but doesn't know what she's doing to herself. All of this drama can't hold their friendship together.
This book was basically a bird's eye view of all the drama in high school. It's a very mature book, and at parts, can be hard to handle, but overall it was a great story. I would only recommend this book to girls, as it has some explicit content. This was an amazing book.
This book was basically a bird's eye view of all the drama in high school. It's a very mature book, and at parts, can be hard to handle, but overall it was a great story. I would only recommend this book to girls, as it has some explicit content. This was an amazing book.
Fotini reviews Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter receives a letter to Hogwarts one day. And he goes there. One day, he gets on the quidditch team after catching Neville's remebrall in flying lessons. At his first game, his broom starts acting weird. His friends think that Snape, an annoying potions teacher, is doing it. And they think that he is after the Sorcerers Stone.
I think that this book was amazing and I could not wait to start the next book. If you like magic, adventure, and,drumroll please...... rule breaking, this is a book for you. If not, then I wouldn't recommend it.
I think that this book was amazing and I could not wait to start the next book. If you like magic, adventure, and,
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs Basil E Frankweiler reviewed by Bella L
This story starts off with a girl named Claudia, who decides to run away. She chose her younger brother Jamie to come with her. Claudia decided to run away to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Once they got there, there were long lines to visit a statue on display in the museum. Claudia and Jamie wanted to know why. Apparently that statue was probably made by Michelangelo, but nobody knows if he really did make it. Claudia and Jamie decided to find out. Will they find out? You will have to read the book to find out if they learn the secret of the statue!
I thought this book was a great book. I would rate it a 5 out of 5. I would recommend this book to anybody, especially if they like mystery books.
Once they got there, there were long lines to visit a statue on display in the museum. Claudia and Jamie wanted to know why. Apparently that statue was probably made by Michelangelo, but nobody knows if he really did make it. Claudia and Jamie decided to find out. Will they find out? You will have to read the book to find out if they learn the secret of the statue!
I thought this book was a great book. I would rate it a 5 out of 5. I would recommend this book to anybody, especially if they like mystery books.
Because of Mr. Terupt review Maya W
It's the beginning of fifth grade for 7 students at Snow Hill School , Alexia, Luke, Anna, Danielle, Peter, Jessica and Jeffrey. This year they have a new teacher named Mr. Terupt . The year gets off to a bumpy start. But when the kids get to know their teacher they find themselves looking forward to school. Until the snowy winter day when an accident changes everything - and everyone.
I read Because of Mr.Terupt because my friend Anna recommended it to me. At first I was unsure, but right when I picked up the book I couldn't stop reading it. I think what makes this book so special is that you really make a connection with the seven characters and even Mr. Terupt . I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a good book about love for a teacher and tragedy.
I read Because of Mr.
Adele reviews Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
I read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. This book is about a boy named Percy. It's the end of the school year and Percy and his Mom are going on a vacation. They get to their beach house and it is raining. They get out of the car and go inside. Then there is a nock at the door. Percy's Mom answers the door. To find out more, READ THE BOOK! 😺
I think that this is an awesome book, and I recommend it to people who like Ancient Greek gods and Mythology. It is a fun and interesting book and it always makes sure to keep your attention. If I had to rate it from 0-10, 0 being terrible and 10 being awesome, I'd give it a 10.
I think that this is an awesome book, and I recommend it to people who like Ancient Greek gods and Mythology. It is a fun and interesting book and it always makes sure to keep your attention. If I had to rate it from 0-10, 0 being terrible and 10 being awesome, I'd give it a 10.
Maddie M reviews In A Glass Grimmly by Adam Gidwitz
This book is about a girl named Jill and a boy named Jack who are cousins but live very different life's. One day they have a very bad day and go to talk to each other and decide they are running away. All of a sudden an old lady appears and offers Jack and Jill thinks that they want if they find the greatest treasure called The Seeing Glass and the old lady makes them swear on their life's to find it. This leads them to Violent Giants, Evil Mermaids, Lying Goblins and even a giant salamander named Eddie. If you want to find out if Jack and Jill find and get The Seeing Glass, read In A Glass Grimmly.
I really enjoyed reading In A Glass Grimmily. Because it is that kind of book where they take an average fairy tale and turn it into something more exciting. I think a kind of person who would like In A Glass Grimmily in someone who likes adventure story's with plot twists and some darker fairy tales. I recommend this book to boys and girls and 5th graders and 6th graders.
I really enjoyed reading In A Glass Grimmily. Because it is that kind of book where they take an average fairy tale and turn it into something more exciting. I think a kind of person who would like In A Glass Grimmily in someone who likes adventure story's with plot twists and some darker fairy tales. I recommend this book to boys and girls and 5th graders and 6th graders.
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